This series takes inspiration from the drawn of the moon by Galileo and Hevelius in the 1600s, it approaches fantastic ideas of discovering new lands where imaginary and personal universes take on a hybrid texture. Handwoven works from TERRAE series are characterised by irregular shapes that visually materialise and simulate imaginary lands with seas, craters, valleys and mountains. These tapestries constitute an invitation to play with the imagination and seem to ask: What do you see when you look at me?

Is this not the question that the moon has always asked humans?

Views of the Moon, in Siderius Nuncius by Galileo Galilei - 1610

Handwoven tapestry by Susanna Costantini

Commissioned works

Weaving works be can be made to order in custom sizes and colours.
For general inquiries about bespoke handwoven textiles, interest in partnership and collaborations please email me.